In pediatric dentistry, we strive to improve the oral health of children and adolescents. We prevent and treat dental cavities, treat traumatized teeth, and offer orthodontic treatments that regard children’s growth and development. Our pediatric dentistry also runs a special clinic for those who are in special health care needs with dental treatments.
Preventive treatments
Preventive treatments include sealants, regular fluoride application, and tooth brushing education. Dental sealants are effective in preventing decay as they “seal” the deep pit and fissure grooves of the biting surfaces so that plaque does not get caught in the depressions.Caries treatments (restorative treatments)
Caries treatments include fillings and crowns, where the tooth decay is removed and appropriate restorations are obtained. When needed, pulp treatments are also considered so that the tooth can be saved without extraction.Orthodontic treatments
Orthodontic treatments aim to regulate the width of both dental arches and irregular occlusions. The main goal of early orthodontic treatment is to utilize the development and growth of a child to help permanent teeth align correctly.Trauma treatments
Trauma treatments include treatments of dental emergencies like broken, lost or damaged teeth, and/or damaged soft tissues such as lips and gum (gingiva).Tooth hypoplasia treatments
Tooth hypoplasia is an enamel or dentin defect, characterized by thin or absent enamel or dentin. In severe cases, an entire tooth may not have a normal form and be susceptible to tooth decay. Active treatments are considered when these teeth are discolored, or have rough surfaces from their early eruption.Treatments for special health care needs
Individuals with special health care needs could have a hard time in dental clinic environments, and we aim to offer individualized dental services for everyone, regardless of developmental disability or other special health care needs. Our department offers regular check-ups for the prevention of oral diseases and educates parents/caregivers of daily oral hygiene. Also, our dental professional team is trained to carry out comprehensive treatments on dental cavities, periodontal problems, and/or other oral diseases.Sedation and general anesthesia
Sedation helps children receive dental treatment who may otherwise not be able to receive it in the normal dental setting. We also offer general anesthesia for the patients with special health care needs, or children with special medical/developmental needs, or high anxiety.Oral malformation treatment
A supernumerary tooth is an extra tooth, and the most common type is the mesiodens, which forms between the upper two front teeth. Supernumerary teeth can prevent adjacent teeth from erupting and hinder proper teeth alignment. With these complications, extraction is typically recommended. Extraction method could depend on the location and size of the supernumerary tooth, and also the age of the child. Lip tie and tongue tie could cause restrictions in lip and tongue movement, possibly causing problems like spacing and/or speech difficulties. These issues can generally be corrected by frenectomy.Continuous dental care and appropriate treatment for primary and permanent teeth
Pediatric dentistry performs sealants and fluoride application to prevent tooth decay. Sealants are a treatment that fills deep grooves with a dental material not only to prevent tooth decay, but bacteria and food debris from accumulating on the biting surfaces of molars. Fluoride strengthens the teeth to help them resist cavities, and it is offered in forms of toothpaste, solution, and regular paste. The most recommended way is to brush your teeth with a toothpaste that contains fluoride every day at home and apply fluoride at a dental clinic every 3 to 6 months.Pediatric dentistry provides early detection and treatment of orthodontic problems, safe and professional sedation for children who are afraid of dental settings, and professional oral care for the special needs.
Preventive treatments
Caries treatments (restorative treatments)
Orthodontic treatments
Trauma treatments
Tooth dysplasia treatments
Treatments for special health care needs
Sedation and general anesthesia
Oral malformation treatments
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