Although chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy techniques are developing day by day, cancer is still the leading cause of death in Korea. Maintaining immunity through regular check-ups as well as proper lifestyle is the key to cancer prevention and treatment. The Korean Immuno-Cancer Center, which consists of acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, bee venom therapy, and Korean medicine qigong therapy, helps to improve the immune system of the body, contributes to the prevention and treatment of cancer, improves side effects after chemotherapy, and improves the lives of cancer patients. We aim to improve quality. At Kyunghee University Korean Medicine Hospital Korean Immune Cancer Center, you can receive high-quality Korean cancer treatment with proven acupuncture treatment, bee venom treatment, Korean medicine treatment created through the development of natural products, and Korean medicine qigong therapy.
Moxibustion treatment
Moxibustion is by placing dried mugwort or other drugs on a certain moxibustion spot on the surface of the human body and burning them to deliver thermal stimulation and drug action to the acupuncture points and meridians to warm and circulate the blood, helping good aura and dispelling bad energy. It is a treatment that treats disease by defeating it and achieves the purpose of health and prevention. It is an effective treatment for enhancing immune function and reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer treatment.Herbal treatment
Bee venom treatment
Instead of stinging the bee directly, it extracts and purifies the bee's venom from the bee through the electromagnetic shock method and injects it into the acupuncture points, the site of acupuncture treatment. It is a medicinal acupuncture therapy that can obtain not only the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion, but also the biochemical medicinal effects of bee venom. Bee venom contains about 40 substances beneficial to the human body, such as apamine and melatin. It acts on the immune system and improves circulation disorders such as numbness in the hands and feet caused by chemotherapy by enhancing immune function, regenerating nerves, and removing blood stasis. Through the effect of traditional acupuncture, it improves nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, and has anti-inflammatory and pain suppression effects.The Korean Medicine Immuno-Cancer Center systematically improves symptoms related to cancer and enhances immunity through a collaboration between Korean and Western countries. In addition, we provide customized cancer treatment by cancer type and period by subdividing the medical department according to the type of cancer.
Liver, biliary tract cancer, blood cancer
Digestive Cancer
Lung cancer
Colorectal cancer
Brain tumor
Head and neck cancer
Lymph cancer
Metastatic cancer
Uterine cancer, breast cancer
cancer stress
Cancer rehabilitation (pain, anticancer side effects)
We systematically manage cancer-related symptoms through a collaboration between Eastern and Western countries.
Immunotherapy of Korean medicine based on the latest research and cancer treatment of traditional Korean medicine are combined to enhance immunity and improve general health, thereby improving the quality of life during cancer treatment. Through the collaboration between Korean and Western countries, it not only cures cancer itself, but also improves the general health by enhancing immunity and improving the body constitution.Specialized medical staff exist for each cancer type to provide customized cancer treatment for each cancer type and patient.
Medical departments are divided according to the type of cancer, and specialized medical staff exist to provide customized cancer treatment for each type, period, and patient.We want to be a companion with cancer patients.
We will work with you to manage your life in general, including common sense of health, food, exercise, and how to cope with symptoms, which cancer patients are curious about when treating and managing cancer. The medical staff of the Korean Medical Immuno-Cancer Center will work as companions for patients to alleviate cancer-related symptoms and return to their normal lives before the onset of the disease.국민건강보험공단에서 실시하는 일반검진, 암검진을 받으시려는 고객께서는
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국민건강보험공단에서 실시하는 일반검진, 암검진을 받으시려는 고객께서는
'국가검진 안내 바로가기'를 이용해 주십시오.
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