Diagnosis and treatment of urinary cancer
The Urological Cancer Center is a special clinic that treats all urogenital malignancies that occur in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, urethra, testicles and penis through surgery, radiation, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or chemotherapy.Recently, due to the increase in life expectancy, smoking, environmental pollution, and westernization of diet, urinary tumors are gradually increasing. The Urological Cancer Center is dedicated to high-quality treatment and research based on the latest knowledge and abundant clinical experience in urinary tumors, which are on the rise. The Urological Cancer Center has various and abundant surgical experiences for various urinary tumors, selects an appropriate treatment method according to each patient's individual characteristics, and performs even minimally invasive cancer surgery with the recent introduction of robotic surgery. In addition, since early detection is the most important factor in the treatment outcome of malignant tumors, our Urological Cancer Center is doing its best for early detection of tumors in our patients.
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is a relatively common disease among genitourinary tumors, and in particular, it is the most common disease among tumors in this field in Korea. Although people do not have any symptoms, a common symptom they experience is hematuria (bloody in the urine). Usually, hematuria comes out once or twice or lasts for a day or so, and then stops spontaneously, but patients mistakenly think that the disease is gone. However, there is absolutely nothing to do with the disappearance of hematuria and the fact that the disease is truly healed.Bladder cancer occurs more often in men than in women after the age of 40, and although there are several causes, smoking is the most common cause. Fortunately, however, in the early stages of bladder cancer, more than 80% of bladder cancers are superficial (the cancer's roots do not penetrate to the muscle layer of the bladder wall). ', and if necessary depending on the histological differentiation of the cancer, it is effective to inject an anticancer drug into the bladder.
Therefore, the most important thing is that if you have painless hematuria (blood in your urine without any pain), it is the best shortcut to see a urologist immediately. Although it is fortunate that more than 80% of bladder cancer is superficial at the time it was first discovered, there is a disadvantage that about 50 to 60% of bladder cancer recurs after treatment, and about 10% is classified as 'invasive cancer', in which the root of the cancer digs into the muscle layer of the bladder. Sometimes it's going on. In the case of bladder cancer that has progressed in this way, we are doing our best to achieve a full cure by performing radical cystectomy, artificial bladder composition, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy depending on the patient's condition.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in adult males in the West, and it is also increasing gradually in Korea, occupying the fourth place among adult male cancers. Therefore, for early detection of prostate cancer, it is desirable to measure the prostate-specific antigen once a year for men in their 50s or older, including prostate and rectal examination and prostate ultrasound. For the treatment of prostate cancer in its early stages, radical prostatectomy is performed. In addition, we have developed a surgical method to prevent urinary incontinence as a complication of radical prostatectomy and applied it to patients, resulting in good treatment results. We are also performing robotic prostatectomy in conjunction with a robotic surgery clinic. In the case of advanced prostate cancer, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are used to treat the disease.Prostate cancer, which can occur to any man, increases the risk with age, and the average age at which prostate cancer is diagnosed is about 65 years old. There are also racial differences, so it is known that blacks are more prone to the disease than whites, and Asians are less prone to it.
Although the cause of prostate cancer is not clearly known, it is known that dietary habits, especially foods high in animal fat, are partly involved. Genetic factors are also known to play a role.
In the early stages of prostate cancer, the tumor is small, has few symptoms, and progresses very slowly, taking years for symptoms to appear, so by then the cancer may have already spread to other organs. Therefore, early detection of cancer is very important, and regular screening is necessary.
The main symptoms of prostate cancer are:
- Frequent urination, day or night.
- Difficulty urinating and pain.
- The urine stream is thin and weak.
- Pain in the lower back, buttocks, and thighs.
Kidney Cancer
The kidneys are located on both sides of the retroperitoneal space of our body and play an important role in filtering waste products from the blood and producing urine. The kidney is composed of the renal parenchyma and the urine collection system through which the urine collects. Renal cell carcinoma accounts for about 90% of kidney cancers and is a dangerous cancer with a very aggressive tendency. The causes of kidney cancer include obesity, high blood pressure, and smoking. The average age is in their 60s, but the age at diagnosis is getting lower. The typical symptoms of kidney cancer include abdominal pain, hematuria, and palpation of a mass, but in most cases there are no symptoms in the early stages.If kidney cancer is detected at an early stage, it is important to diagnose it early because it can be cured with surgical treatment. If there is metastasis at the time of diagnosis, multiple treatment methods such as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and resection of metastatic lesions can be implemented.
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