Symptoms of colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer can be classified into three types: colon cancer, rectal cancer, and anal cancer depending on the location of the large intestine.In general, typical symptoms of colorectal cancer include bleeding, changes in bowel habits, mucus, abdominal pain, and weight loss. The most common symptom of colorectal cancer is fecal occult blood in the stool, which occurs in more than 95% of colorectal cancer patients.
In particular, if these symptoms appear after the mid-30s, do not overlook it as a simple anal disease such as hemorrhoids.
The next most common symptom is a change in bowel habits. These changes are more common in cases such as rectal cancer or anal cancer than in colon cancer, and the color of the stool is often dark black. Therefore, if these symptoms continue to progress and are left unattended, the cancer may continue to progress and block the inside of the intestinal tract, eventually leading to intestinal obstruction, leading to a very dangerous state.
The third most common symptom is vague and unexplained abdominal pain, which affects approximately 65% of colorectal cancer patients. This kind of pain is characterized by very vague pain, rather than pain in a specific area. The cause of this abdominal pain is because the cancer partially obstructs the lining of the large intestine. Depending on the degree of obstruction of these cancers, they may sometimes be accompanied by pain and nausea and vomiting. In rectal or anal cancer, pain or discomfort in the rectal and anal area may also occur.
Other symptoms that follow include mucus and weight loss. These symptoms appear after the above-mentioned symptoms first appear before the onset of symptoms, and sometimes mucus or weight loss symptoms appear only after the colorectal cancer has advanced to a significant stage, so the patient must deal with it in advance. In addition, symptoms such as weakness or anemia may appear, but these symptoms also do not appear alone, but may appear only after the above symptoms appear.
Colorectal cancer treatment
If colorectal cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, more than 80% can be cured with thorough surgical operation. Therefore, if the above-mentioned symptoms appear after the mid-30s, you should see a specialist without delay. If the timing is missed, even the current state-of-the-art medicine cannot guarantee a success rate of less than 40%.국민건강보험공단에서 실시하는 일반검진, 암검진을 받으시려는 고객께서는
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