Oriental Medicine in Korea is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), it is also called Korean Traditional Medicine. Although Korean Traditional Medicine is influenced by TCM a lot, it has developed its own unique way of diagnosis and treatment. For instance, acupuncture techniques such as Sa-am, Tae-guk, Hand Acupuncture, etc. are not found in TCM, and another characteristic feature is Sasang Constitutional Medicine which classifies people into four types, (Taeyangin, Taeumin, Soyangin and Soeumin) and treats each differently according to the constitution. Nowadays in Korea there is a great amount of experimentation in fusion medicine, which combines traditional medicine with modern medicine in many ways.
The education system of oriental medicine in Korea is a 6 year course in college which is equal to that of western medicine in Korea. The curriculum includes Western medicine, Chinese medicine as well as Korean medicine. When students graduate from medical college they take a national examination in order to receive the KOREAN MEDICINE doctor's license. Graduate schools of oriental medicine confers doctoral and master degrees. The Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine established in 1994 is a national institute for research from the basic principles to the clinical applications of oriental medicine. In Korea, there are 11,000 KOREAN MEDICINE doctors, 130 KOREAN MEDICINE hospitals, and 7,000 KOREAN MEDICINE clinics to diagnose and treat patients. The KOREAN MEDICINE college of Kyung-Hee University was first established in 1965 and as of February 2005, has 4,556 graduates.

An Introduction to the Oriental Hospital of Kyung-hee University

The KOREAN MEDICINE Hospital of Kyung-hee University started with the departments of Internal Medicine, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, etc. on October 5, 1971(3 hospitals and 100 beds). It is a member of Kyunghee Medical Center with affiliated Western Medical Hospital, and the Dental Hospital. After the opening, we succeeded in anesthetizing a subject of appendectomy by acupuncture on September 9, 1972. We added 50 beds (3 hospitals and 420 beds) on December 10, 1973. Our formal title was changed from the Oriental Clinic to the KOREAN MEDICINE Hospital by the revision of the Medical Law on March 1, 1974.
The KOREAN MEDICINE Hospital of Kyung-hee University also succeeded in anesthetizing a subject of Caesarean operation by acupuncture on March 22, 1976, and held the first World Congress of Acupunture on October 29, 1976. We invented the preliminary medical examination appliances of Oriental Medicine and made the data auto-recorded on September 16, 1977. On September 5, 1977, our 6th anniversary, we moved into newly-built wards. On April 8, 1978, we expanded into 200 beds and on March 31, 1979 the newly established pharmacy laboratory enabled us to introduce the modernization and automization of Oriental Medicine for the first time in Korea and to extract herbal medicine into powder formula. Finally, we were able to begin publishing the collection of Oriental Medicine materials in July, 1981.
On February 1, 1987 by the application of medical insurance by the government to oriental medicine, treatments in our facilities began to be covered by medical insurance.
On July 24, 1995 we expanded into 400 beds. On our 26th anniversary in 1997, we changed the collection of Oriental medicine materials and published the Kyung-hee Collection of prescription with the amended version, making Oriental Medicine scientific and standard. With these accomplishments, we lead Oriental medicine in Korea and as of March, 2007 we have the 300 beds, 8 special departments, a subsidiary administrative office, preliminary medical office, medicine office, a team of nurses, etc. preliminary medical office, medicine office, a team of nurses etc., 47 specialists, 99 training doctors, 115 nurses, and aides. In all, we boast more than 300 employees, and treat more than 300,000 outpatients and 120,000 inpatients per year.
Kyung-hee University has another oriental hospital (Kangnam Hospital) located in Daechi-dong, Seoul.
Dept. of Internal Medicine I (Hepato-hemopoietic system) Dept. of Internal Medicine II (Cardiovascular system)
Dept. of Internal Medicine III (Gastrointestinal system) Dept. of Internal Medicine V (Pulmonary & Allergy system)
Dept. of Internal Medicine VI (Nephro-Endocrine system) Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Dept. of Gynecology Dept. of Pediatrics
Department of Dermatology Department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology
Dept. of Neuropsychiatry Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine
Dept. Sasang Constitutional Medicine Dept. of Diagnostics and Biofunctional medicine
Sub Dept. of the East & West Integrated Medicine International Studies of Oriental Medicine (ISOM)