Dept. of Internal Medicine III(Gastrointestinal system)
We deal with gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases. Especially, we apply KOREAN MEDICINE diagnosis and treatment to increase the cure rate of various incureable diseases of the GI tract. We also have specialized clinics for functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue symdrome, gastrointestinal cancer and halitosis.
1.Specialized clinics
1) Functional dydpepsia
Functional dyspepsia (FD), also known as nonulcer dyspepsia or dyspepsia of unknown cause, refers to a complex of symptoms characterized by pain or discomfort and bloating centred in the upper abdomen, early satiety, fullness, and nausea. These upper gastrointestinal symptoms are not associated with any structural abnormality demonstrable by standard diagnostic investigations .
In our clinic we employ the traditional korean medical diagnostic methods and contemporary western medical devices to assess the the whole body function and discover the cause of dyspepsia. Treatment options range from herbal medicine to acupuncture, electroacupuncture to restore the body balance and the function of the gastrointestinal system.
2) Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disorder characterized by mild to severe abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating and alteration of bowel habits. In some cases, the symptoms are relieved by bowel movements. Diarrhea or constipation may predominate, or they may alternate. IBS may begin after an infection or a stressful life event. Other functional or pain disorders and certain psychological conditions are more common in those with IBS.
To treat IBS, it is important to first assess the general condition of the body. In our clinic we not only use the traditional korean medical diagnostic methods but also employ scientific diagnostic devices in analyzing the status of the body and the disease. We take a step further by using new forms of herbal medicine and acupuncture, electroacupuncture to relax the irritable bowel and reinforce its fuction to subdue the persisting symptoms.
3) Chronic Fatique Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is the most common name given to a poorly understood, variably debilitating disorder or disorders of uncertain causation. Symptoms of CFS include widespread muscle and joint pain, cognitive difficulties, chronic, often severe mental and physical exhaustion and other characteristic symptoms in a previously healthy and active person.
In this clinic we use korean medical devices to diagnose CFS and use medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, and negative pressure therapy to rejuvenate the body. By assessing the fatigue scale, we teach health-preserving habits for each individual. If other problems are discovered, we treat them systematically in cooperation with other respective departments.
4) Halitosis
Halitosis is a term used to describe noticeably unpleasant odors exhaled in breathing whether the smell is from an oral source or not. Halitosis has a significant impact on those who suffer from it, and is estimated to be the 3rd most frequent reason for seeking dental aid, following tooth decay and periodontal disease.
In this clinic, first the patient is asked to fill out a questionnaire to check the basic backgrounds of the problem. Then he will go through specialized korean medical diagnostic methods to assess the function of the whole body and the autonomic nerve system. Treatments include gargle-type and other new forms of herbal medicine and acupuncture/moxibustion for localized oral care and total functional care.
5) Gastrointestinal cancer
In this clinic we complement the conventional treatment options for gastrointestinal cancer(surgery, radiation therapy, antitumor agents) with new forms of herbal medicine which strengthen the immune system to minimize the side effects of the conventional therapy, prevent recurrence, and enhance the quality of life of terminal stage patients..