Kyung Hee Medical Center Department of Diagnotic Radiology was established in 1971 upon the opening of Kyung Hee Medical Center. The treatment areas are classified in abdominal radiology, chest radiology, urinogenital radiology, head and neck radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, interventional radiology, and breast radiology by the specialty of treatment. Particularly, the department established treatment radiology clinic in 2004 which has been responsible for numerous interventional radiology cases and is expanding its role with rapid and appropriate response to emergency cases such as Embolization and percutaneous catheter drainage.
The Department of Diagnotic Radiology was awarded with ¡®Medical association grand prix¡¯ from Korean Academy of Medical Science for 3 consecutive years since the first win in 2004. A number of prominent professors are engaged in active clinical treatment in their own specialty fields and actively participating in determining the medical treatment policy through regular and irregular discussion with medical staff of other departments. Also, the department publishes many academic articles in internationally acclaimed academic journals and academic association and takes the initiative in introducing the new medical technologies and information through active academic activities including registration of Who¡¯s Who world biographical dictionary, activities as a member of international academic association, and receiving of academic award.